Monday, October 6

The Story Continues...

After the buzz of a lovely Christmas in another town had worn off, we still had the issue of living long distance. Now that I knew it was for realz yo, it became harder and harder to stay put. I felt like ditching my last semester and just bolting.B came out around my Birthday and stayed for a month or two, and we made plans. B had to go back to T.O. for work and I was nearing my graduation date. One of my teachers at school approached me and said that her and her partner were moving to Ontario in July and wondered how I was going to get there, I said I didn't know because I really didn't have enough money to rent a truck, not to mention I didn't(don't) have a drivers license, plus, my stuff! Kindly she offered space in one of her two trailers for my things and a seat in the truck if I helped with her three dogs along the way. I quickly agreed. FINALLY! a plan in place, graduation imminent, Toronto here I come! oh wait. I have two cats that cannot ride in the pick up with me, that I must take with me...hmmmmm....Dad to the rescue! We bought carrying cases for them and drove them out to the airport 2 hours before their flight, only to be told they would not be taken as the cases were too small! We mad a mad dash to into Sydney to the small pet store there in hopes of finding what we needed. As we pulled up in the parking lot we could see several people waiting outside the shop..this did not look good, we were on a major time crunch mission and the buddy wasn't even on time to open the shop! I was very nearly hysterical at this point and thank god my Dad is as calm as f#ck, because we got the cases with no one getting hurt, managed to make the check in deadline to get the cats sent out AND he paid for the whole thing. Whew. Oh did I mention Brian hated cats? ( I say hated in the past tense as we all live  together now relatively conflict free). And so I held an indoor garage sale, sold everything I could ( I have very generous friends, they often gave me more than the asking price for things just to help out) gave the remainder of my things to my good friend Raya to hold on to and went my merry way out to Mechosin to Karen and Scott's to get ready for the departure, which was to happen in 2 days...

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