Sunday, September 30


i'll never get sick of what she looks like!! lol. Another Sunday has come and I am trying to find the motivation to do something creative. I cleaned yesterday and everything is in it's place now so I don't have any excuse! I have yet to experiment with the coffee filter flowers, they looked really interesting as well, I need to make some more collaged cards so we shall see what the day will bring. I didn't make it in to the toronto City of Craft fall show, so that is kind of a bummer, not really motivating if you know what I mean!! but I know they received an obscene amount of applicants and they had to be very selective this year, so next year maybe! My bike wheel finally died on me and I don't know if I should get it fixed or if this is a sign that it is time to put it away for the winter. It has been getting steadily colder these past few weeks and I have been thinking about it. Anyway, hope you have a good week and we shall talk soon! stay motivated and true to yourself!