Monday, September 4

The Time Is Near.....

ok so here we go, into treatment 5 of 6. It has been a crazy ride, I shit you not. I'm still feeling optimistic and ready to move on to the next phase. This cycle has been tough. I had an common alergic reaction which manifested as a rash "collar" all up my neck and the skin around my eyes was super sore and dry. But I've got a new plan for all the uncomfortable stuff. You see the first treatment is a shit show of side effects you don't know whats happening or how to make it stop, you try all the things, you consult the almighty Intertron you ask the next treatment you've figured it out, and you can manage better. By the third one, your tired of it all. My third one of Taxotere will be my last!!! I really really hope I don't get this again in 20 years, 'cause I really don't want to ever do chemo again. (knock on wood). So. Whats next?
Surgery. I have a CT scan on the 11th and then I see the Surgeon on the 21st to talk about surgery options. Boy, there are so many!! I've decided on a mastectomy for sure. Due to the fuzzy margins of the mass, I don't think there's a 100 percent chance the surgeon could get it all. I would worry. all the time. I've been researching and talking to other women about a proceedure called a DIEP flap reconstruction which involves taking tissue and blood vessels from your tummy zone (hey! bonus tummy tuck!!) and putting it in your boob spot. they often do a lift of the other boob at the same time to make it even (helloooo 20 year old boobies again!! with some scarring) and the new boob feels and acts like a natural boob, losing and gaining weight with you and feeling natural. The recovery time is intense a week in the hospital and a few months of uncomfortableness. Anyway, this is all conjecture at this point we shall see. I'm not beyond going flat, or doing an implant (can't have one put in though until radiation is done, boo) or tattoos over the spot etc...

We shall see. Anyway, I'm off to my treatment, thank you, as always for your love and support, I couldn't be handling this so well without it. Love you. J