Sunday, September 30


i'll never get sick of what she looks like!! lol. Another Sunday has come and I am trying to find the motivation to do something creative. I cleaned yesterday and everything is in it's place now so I don't have any excuse! I have yet to experiment with the coffee filter flowers, they looked really interesting as well, I need to make some more collaged cards so we shall see what the day will bring. I didn't make it in to the toronto City of Craft fall show, so that is kind of a bummer, not really motivating if you know what I mean!! but I know they received an obscene amount of applicants and they had to be very selective this year, so next year maybe! My bike wheel finally died on me and I don't know if I should get it fixed or if this is a sign that it is time to put it away for the winter. It has been getting steadily colder these past few weeks and I have been thinking about it. Anyway, hope you have a good week and we shall talk soon! stay motivated and true to yourself!


peter said...

Fix the wheel before putting it away for the winter, or it'll never come out in spring.

Sadly, I can not say I'm motivated much lately. Even an invitation to a Black Adder marathon was met with a meh. Took cranking it up to Firefly (btw, thank you again for booksale) to get a yes out of me - must be autumn. On the plus side, I'm still True. Warning: 80s reference.

Unknown said...

LOL thanks Peter! I myself have been watching Firefly again these days..what's your favorite episode?