Sunday, September 30


i'll never get sick of what she looks like!! lol. Another Sunday has come and I am trying to find the motivation to do something creative. I cleaned yesterday and everything is in it's place now so I don't have any excuse! I have yet to experiment with the coffee filter flowers, they looked really interesting as well, I need to make some more collaged cards so we shall see what the day will bring. I didn't make it in to the toronto City of Craft fall show, so that is kind of a bummer, not really motivating if you know what I mean!! but I know they received an obscene amount of applicants and they had to be very selective this year, so next year maybe! My bike wheel finally died on me and I don't know if I should get it fixed or if this is a sign that it is time to put it away for the winter. It has been getting steadily colder these past few weeks and I have been thinking about it. Anyway, hope you have a good week and we shall talk soon! stay motivated and true to yourself!

Monday, September 17


After watching the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (the Swedish version) for the second time, I realized I needed to re-commit to my fashion crimes. I love Lisbeth's look so much, I had forgotten I like to dress that way too. Getting excited about the fall and the prospect of dressing in cozy sweaters and things. Pulled out my leather fluvogs yesterday and dusted them of for the first appearance this year. Still hoping to hear from City of Craft and dreaming of kitchen renos now that I have my new fridge!

Sunday, September 9


Well here we are on Sunday again..this summer has felt a little bit quick! been visiting the cottage, getting over a cold, and venturing for the first time into the world of computer programming...hold you horses, before you get too excited I should clarify. My lessons to learning how to program have started. I am reading the MIT textbook called sicp, and am going to be learning a lisp programming language called scheme. Also I have been writing letters and trying to keep in touch with everyone I miss, but it has been hard. I feel like with all the ways we can keep in touch or watch eachother online, no one really wants to talk they just like to observe and feel their connection that way..I am guilty of this as well, but have been trying to rectify it. I need to actually hear my friends voices or read their written words in order to feel really connected. I have applied to City of Craft christmas fair, I guess I will find out soon! the deadline was on August 30th....who knows! it would be great to see everyone else's stuff and maybe make some connections with other glue gun princesses....LOL.