Saturday, October 21

On the Eve of Surgery....(almost)

This last week has been a doozy. I had my pre surgery prep class and learned all the things. Home the same day? what? Drain care? what? Yup that's right, I'm going to have two drains hanging off my body for up to 10 days. They will prevent swelling and the collection of fluids under my incisions. YUCK. Sometimes I really don't like being in a human body. It's been a bit of a trip for me in that regard because I spent so many years dissasociating from my body and living in my head. Now I know many many intimate things about the inner workings of my body and systems. Some days Life is just a little too REAL, you know what I mean?
And of course most of you know, that I had to have my cat Luccia put down a few days ago. My life is a classic Country tale of woe right now. Old country, not new. Me and Hank Williams, hangin out eating 'Gator Fritters, on the tailgate of a gas guzzling flatbed.
I first heard Hank Williams when I was 8 years old. My Mom had a contract at a logging camp in Bella Coola to be the cooks assistant and I went up and lived with her for a while. The Foreman of the camp, Fritz, loved country music and so did his wife Sheila, the Cook. It played over the speakers most days in the mess hall or when Sheila and my Mom were cooking. They also had a black and white bobtailed cat that would only eat salted raw eggs. And a huge newfoundland dog that I used to ride around the camp like a horse, until he got smart and started taking swims in the sewage pool, so I wouldn't come near him. Anyway, I digress. I guess my point is, even when your life is a country song, there are good things there.
How am I feeling? most of you ask. I guess I'm ok. I am definitely looking forward to having the cancer removed and examined so I really know what's what. I'm sad I'm going to lose my breast. but feel like it is a small price to pay for my life. And having it out of my body soon is going to be great.
So far the "only" lingering effects of the chemo are fatigue, I get tired by 1 or 2 o'clock usually, and some aches and pains that are residual. I feel old. I know I'm not but I never felt middle aged before now. I guess I still had some residual immortal feelings from my youth, not now. I've been thinking about death a little more lately,  particularly my death and for the first time, have been quite scared about dying. In the middle of the night, if I wake up, I lie there, mulling over all the scenarios of where my life could lead after this. Most of them are good, positive places, but there are some dark ones too. What if my cancer did actually matastasize and it's somewhere else? What if I get cancer in the other breast? What if I can't change my eating habits and exercise to a satisfactory degree? What if I die? what does dying really mean? What does it feel like? where will I go? What have I done, in this life, that is of any significance ( I mean outside of procreating).
I think it's quite natural to have all these thoughts, and it has opened up some space in my mind, for me to try and find the answers to those questions.
My surgery will be at 8 am on Tuesday the 24th. I will be in surgery about 2 hours, with a recovery of about an hour and then I will be sent home. With good drugs. L is taking the day off and is going to be with Jake all day, and I will squirrel away in the bedroom and rest.
I just remembered the dogs name. His name was Jed.
Love to You. I'll write soon.


Unknown said...

Hey Jeff !!! Sending you tons of get well right aways !!! Much Love !!! Butch

Unknown said...

Thanks Butch!! we're in the home stretch now!!! much love back.

Patricia said...

Oh yes, Jed. An the only company of his kind was a bear that hung around the garbage dup. One day the bear was in the kitchen when I went there in the morning and Fritz had to shoot it. Poor Jed slowly followed the back hoe carrying his friend away from the camp. Strangely, we enjoyed being way out there in the wilderness didn't we.
Honey, this is the end on the road for your cancer - when you go home you may be in some rough shape but YOU will recover, Mr Cancer will be left behind. Absolutely. And from that day it will be behind you. There may have to be scouting missions to make sure he doesn't come back, but those will only serve to help you take your body back. You have done that before my brave and wonderful daughter. It will be a new beginning.

tathra said...

I love you Jeff. I love these stories and I love the significance of your life. In my eyes it has noting to do with procreation and everthing to do with who you are in the world. You have touched people’s lives just by being you. It really is a beautiful thing.
Wishing you well for the surgery. And yes, May this be the end of the road for mr cancer, because fuck cancer! Because Jefff has many more years of living to do.

Unknown said...

Thank you Tathra!It's lovely to see you and hear your voice too! love you.