Monday, January 23


Wow. Time really does fly! Happy New Year everybody!Above is a photo from The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. The imagery and cinematography in this film are stunning. I love Lisbeth's aesthetic. Something of myself in her for what's new? I started a Red Dwarf blog, you can read it here...RedDwarfBlog
It's in it's infancy phase right now and I an currently working on some new writings for it so stay tuned! Also I am working on an Etsey Shop!! how exciting!!! I will be featuring my handmade cards as well as collaged/ gold leafed cigar tins and some larger collage tryptics..very excited! After years of people telling me I should open a shop and sell so here I go! for examples of what I do check out my flikr profile on the right columb of this blog. In other news, in February I will be turning 39! And I will be going back to B.C. for a visit, for which I am very excited. The ocean! the mom and dad! the friends! I hope the weather is better than it has been as I plan to do alot of walking. Stay tuned my friends and thanks for reading!